Classification of dies

A die is a mold tool used to produce uniformly detailed products with uniform sizes and specifications. To serve the increasing production demand, stamping molds are developed and classified diversely.

Diverse die types

The die is the instrument that determines the quality of the product. Each product will suit different die technology and type. Molds are classified based on many criteria:

Stamping temperature

The die is divided into two types: cold die and hot die based on the temperature in the machining process.

  • Cold stamping mold: Machining to change the shape and structure of metal workpieces by pressure at normal temperature.
  • Hot stamping mold: The mold works at extremely high temperatures usually in the range of 1000 degrees Celsius, so the hot die has good hardness, heat resistance and elasticity requirements.


Based on performance, the working methods that classify dies into major categories are:

  • Cutting and punching molds: A type of mold that adopts punch and cuts by cutting to remove the residual to shape metal parts. Mold works in a cold state, affected by pressure.

  • Bending die: A type of mold used to change the shape of the workpiece to create the desired part without removing the metal part when machining.
  • Khuôn dập vuốt: used to transform sheet metal to create parts with defined sizes and shapes.

Số lượng lòng khuôn

Phân loại khuôn dập dựa trên số lượng lòng khuôn được chia làm 2 loại là khuôn một lòng và khuôn hai lòng.

The method of filling the mold cavity

Based on the cavity filling method, we classify dies into two categories: closed molds and open molds.

  • Open mold: The mold cavity is open, causing a part of metal to be freely deformed during the machining process.

  • Closed mold: the inside of the mold is closed, the product is processed completely inside the mold, no bavia on the details.

Depending on the product’s structure, choose the type of mold. The open mold is for simple stamping or does not require a high degree of precision. If processing complex details, needing high precision, it is necessary to use a closed mold to manufacture. Fabrication of closed molds requires accurate calculation of metal ingots.

Manufacturer of quality stamping molds


Numatec Company meets the production of various types of dies such as punching molds, bending dies, cutting dies, … ensuring structural accuracy and stability in operation.

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